Friday, December 10, 2010

Fiber For the Holidays

Hello, Fiber Friends.

Please excuse my long absence from the SEFAA blog.  I won’t bore you with the details of what I’ve been doing, but a large portion of my time has been taken up with three art shows, one of which lasted two days and was held at my studio (necessitating a Herculean cleaning effort).  I do realize that everyone is probably just as busy as I am.

So now Holiday season is in full swing.  Are you in gift production mode?  Maybe you’re wiser than I am.  I always tell myself that I won’t make gifts this year, and then I always do.  I don’t know if the recipient is ever as excited about the gift as I am, but that’s OK.  It’s really one of those “journey, not destination” things. 

I’ve finally figured out that my making of quilts, clothing, ornaments, or whatever is not only about a gift for a loved one.  It’s also my own little excuse to fit fiber projects into a harried schedule.  Every hour I spend making a fabric project for someone I love is an hour I spend finding my bliss. 

If you want to share that kind of bliss, teach another person to knit, crochet, sew, quilt, weave, embroider, or whatever fiber activity you love.  A bundle of beautiful yarn, floss or fabric and a written promise to teach someone to use it could be a fun and memorable gift.


It looks like a location for SEFAA is about to happen. Congratulations to Suzi and the Board for their vision and hard work to make this happen!  This is a remarkable achievement in such a short time, and one that will benefit all of us as well as the Atlanta Community.  The more people understand about fiber art, the more they will appreciate and support it.  It is part of our mission to educate the wider community about the beauty and value of fiber art, and a home for SEFAA will help us do that.


I’d like to leave you with a revised version of a little something that was circulating among quilters on the internet a while back.  My apologies to the original author for the edits …

Reasons Why I Love Fiber...

* Fiber insulates the closet, dresser, basket or room where it is kept.
* Purchasing fiber helps keep the economy going. It is our patriotic duty to support cotton farmers, sheep farmers, textile mills, and fabric and knit shops.
* It is less expensive and more fun than psychiatric care.
* Fiber keeps without refrigeration.
* You don't have to cook it to enjoy it.
* You never have to feed it, change it, wipe it's nose, or walk it.
* It's not immoral, illegal, or fattening.
* Fiber calms the nerves, gratifies the soul, and makes me happy.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

  1. I love your list! It's going on the refrigerator, front and center, once I've printed it out.

    PS Glad you're back!
